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Post-doc positions

We have two open positions for postdoctoral researcher within the framework of the ERC project BEAMS.

Integrated photonic systems for free-space optical communications

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to develop integrated photonic antennas and metalenses. Responsibilities will include the fabrication process in the C2N cleanroom; the design, simulation, and layout of the devices; the optical characterizations for design validation and optimization.


Photonic circuits for the control of integrated antenna arrays

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher with interest and experience in integrated and nano- photonics to develop photonic circuits and their control algorithms based on machine learning for the active tuning of large arrays of
integrated optical antennas. Design and layout of the circuits will be integral parts of the activities as well as
the development of the control strategies and the characterization of the devices realized in the C2N
