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Invited talks

D. Melati, “Integrated optical antennas and metasurfaces for free-space optical systems,” in Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures XIV PC12896, p. PC128960Y, SPIE, San Francisco (2024) [].
D. Melati, “Inverse design of photonic devices with machine learning and optimization techniques,” in Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits 2024 PC12890, p. PC128900F, SPIE (2024) [].
D. Melati et al., “Subwavelength metamaterial devices with optimization and machine learning,” in Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits 2023 PC12425, p. PC1242509, SPIE (2023) [].
D. Melati et al., “Multi-objective optimization for photonic systems with advanced functionalities and improved performance,” presented at Photonics North 2022, 24 May 2022.
D. Melati et al., “Dimensionality reduction and optimization for the inverse design of photonic integrated devices,” in Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits 2022 PC12005, p. PC120050D, SPIE (2022) [].
D. Melati, “Highly efficient on-chip devices for free-space optics systems,” presented at High Frequency Technology Workshop, 2022, Milano.
D. Melati, “Multi-objective design of photonic devices and metamaterials,” presented at European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), 2022, Porto.
D. Melati et al., “Machine-learning dimensionality reduction for multi-objective design of photonic devices,” in Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXV 11689, p. 116890H, International Society for Optics and Photonics (2021) [].
D. Melati et al., “High-performance photonic integrated devices with machine learning and optimization,” presented at European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), 2021, Rome.
D. Melati et al., “Dimensionality reduction for the on-chip integration of advanced photonic devices and functionalities,” presented at ECOC 2021, 2021, Bordeaux.
D. Melati et al., “Global design optimization in photonics: from high performance to fabrication robustness,” presented at 23rd Photonics North Conference, 2021, Online.
D. Melati et al., “Design of multi-parameter photonic devices using machine learning pattern recognition,” in Integrated Photonics Platforms: Fundamental Research, Manufacturing and Applications 11364, p. 1136408, International Society for Optics and Photonics, Online (2020) [].
D. Melati et al., “Machine learning design of subwavelengh integrated photonic devices,” in 19th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, Ottawa (2019).
D. Melati et al., “Machine-assisted design and stochastic analysis in integrated photonics,” in 21st European Conference on Integrated Optics, Ghent (2019).
D. Melati et al., “Performance robustness analysis in machine-assisted design of photonic devices,” in Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XXI 10922, p. 1092203, International Society for Optics and Photonics, San Francisco, California, USA (2019) [].
D. Melati et al., “Uncertainty-Aware Design of Photonic Devices,” in 20th Photonics North Conference, Montreal (2018).
D. Melati, A. Waqas, and A. Melloni, “Stochastic Photonics: Tools and Approaches for the Analysis and Optimization of Integrated Circuits,” in 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC), pp. 1–3, Singapore (2017) [].

Conference contributions

J. Cao et al., “Silicon broadband metalens with wide field of view for optical beam steering in free space,” in 2024 IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference (SiPhotonics), pp. 1–2 (2024) [].
Z. Mokeddem et al., “Experimental demonstration of a SiN integrated polarization beam splitter for the 950 nm wavelength band,” in Photonic Instrumentation Engineering XI PC12893, p. PC1289302, SPIE (2024) [].
J. R. Rausell-Campo et al., “Tandem Neural Networks for the Inverse Programming of Linear Photonic Processors,” in 2023 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), pp. 1–4 (2023) [].
V. Vitali et al., “Fully integrated Si-rich silicon nitride wavelength converter based on Bragg scattering intermodal four-wave mixing,” in 49th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2023) 2023, pp. 546–549 (2023) [].
S. Huet et al., “Demonstration of SiC-on-insulator substrate with Smart CutTM technology for photonic applications,” presented at ICSCRM 2023 - International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, 17 September 2023, 67–76, Trans Tech Publications Ltd [].
P. Nuño-Ruano et al., “Silicon Optomechanical Membrane Waveguides Based on Subwavelength Engineering of Photons and Phonons,” in 2023 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), pp. 1–4 (2023) [].
M. A. Digeil et al., “PCA-Enhanced Autoencoders for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction in Low Data Regimes,” in Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2023) [].
W. K. K. Kan et al., “2x2 Ultra-Broadband Multimode Interference Coupler with Subwavelength Gratings Fabricated by Immersion Lithography,” in 2023 Photonics North (PN), pp. 1–1 (2023) [].
S. Khajavi et al., “Highly Efficient Ultra-Broad Beam Silicon Nanophotonic Antenna for Two-Dimensional Optical Phased Arrays,” in 2023 Photonics North (PN), pp. 1–1 (2023) [].
S. Khajavi et al., “Highly-efficient subwavelength grating metamaterial antenna for silicon waveguides,” presented at Photonics North 2022, 24 May 2022, Niagara Falls.
D. Melati et al., “Athermal and Tunable Si-Photonic MZI-Echelle Grating Wavelength Demultiplexers,” in 2022 Photonics North (PN), pp. 1–1, Niagara Falls (2022) [].
S. Janz et al., “Si-Photonic Waveguide Grating Coupler Arrays for Wavefront Monitoring,” in 2022 Photonics North (PN), pp. 1–1, Niagara Falls (2022) [].
S. Khajavi et al., “Compact metamaterial grating antenna in a 300-nm  silicon-on-insulator waveguide,” in IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Vancouver (2022).
S. Khajavi et al., “Highly-efficient and compact metamaterial surface grating antenna on a 300-nm silicon-on-insulator platform,” presented at European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), 2022, Porto.
M. K. Dezfouli et al., “Design of fully apodized and perfectly vertical surface grating couplers using machine learning optimization,” in Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXV 11689, p. 116890J, International Society for Optics and Photonics (2021) [].
Y. Liu et al., “Silicon-based broadband metalens for wide-angle optical beam steering,” presented at IEEE Group IV Photonic Conference, 2021.
P. Nuno-Ruano et al., “Genetic optimisation of Brillouin gain in subwavelength-structured silicon membranes,” presented at IEEE Group IV Photonic Conference, 2021.
J. Zhang et al., “Generating X-band phonons in a nanostructured silicon optomechanical cavity,” presented at IEEE Group IV Photonic Conference, 2021.
Z. Mokeddem et al., “Deep-learning algorithms for imperfection-resilient Fourier-transform spectroscopy in silicon,” presented at IEEE Group IV Photonic Conference, 2021.
R. Cheriton et al., “Integrated photonic correlation spectroscopy for faint exoplanet biosignature detection,” in Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VII 11446, p. 114461T, International Society for Optics and Photonics (2020) [].
R. Cheriton et al., “Integrated Photonic Ring Resonator Correlation Filters For Remote HCN Sensing,” in 2020 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. 1–2 (2020) [].
S. Khajavi et al., “Design of compact silicon antennas based on high directionality gratings,” in 2020 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. 1–2 (2020) [].
R. Cheriton et al., “Towards Integrated Astrophotonic Instruments for Exoplanet Biosignature Detection,” in 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020) (2020), paper C6G_2, p. C6G_2, Optical Society of America (2020) [].
D. Melati et al., “Efficient silicon photonic micro-antenna for waveguide-to-free-space coupling,” in OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (AP) 2020 (IPR, NP, NOMA, Networks, PVLED, PSC, SPPCom, SOF) (2020), paper ITh2H.4, p. ITh2H.4, Optical Society of America (2020) [].
M. K. Dezfouli et al., “Perfectly vertical silicon-on-insulator grating couplers with low broadband back-reflection and increased feature sizes,” in OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (AP) 2020 (IPR, NP, NOMA, Networks, PVLED, PSC, SPPCom, SOF) (2020), paper ITu4A.1, p. ITu4A.1, Optical Society of America (2020).
J. H. Schmid et al., “Isolator-Free Integration of C-Band InAs-InP Quantum Dash Buried Heterostructure Lasers with Silicon Waveguides,” in 2020 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), pp. 1–3 (2020) [].
R. Cheriton et al., “High Sensitivity Remote Gas Sensing using Integrated Photonic Correlation Filters,” in 2020 Photonics North (PN), pp. 1–1 (2020) [].
J. H. Schmid et al., “Subwavelength silicon photonic structures for efficient light coupling from quantum dash buried heterostructure lasers and spectral filtering,” in 2020 Photonics North (PN), pp. 1–1 (2020) [].
D.-X. Xu et al., “Machine learning pattern recognition in integrated silicon photonics design,” in 2020 Photonics North (PN), pp. 1–1 (2020) [].
R. Cheriton et al., “Ultra-compact remote CO2 detection with silicon waveguide ring resonators,” in Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications IX 11129, p. 111290K, International Society for Optics and Photonics (2019) [].
Z. Mushtaq et al., “Prediction of thermal variation in InP and GaAs material for photonic integrated waveguides,” in AIP Conference Proceedings 2146, p. 020013 (2019) [].
A. Waqas et al., “Uncertainty aware design of photonic integrated circuits in presence of correlated manufacturing uncertainties,” in AIP Conference Proceedings 2146, p. 020012 (2019) [].
R. Cheriton et al., “Exoplanetary Atmosphere Spectrocopy using silicon waveguide ring resonators,” in Photonics North Conference 2019 CFP1909V-ART, Quebec City (2019) [].
D. Melati et al., “Temperature-insensitive echelle wavelength demultiplexer on standard silicon-on-insulator platform,” in Silicon Photonics XIV 10923, p. 109230Q, International Society for Optics and Photonics, San Francisco, California, USA (2019) [].
Y. Grinberg et al., “Reaping the benefits of machine learning pattern recognition in nanophotonic component design,” in Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIII 10921, p. 109210B, International Society for Optics and Photonics, San Francisco, California, USA (2019) [].
A. Waqas, D. Melati, and A. Melloni, “Wideband continuously tunable integrated delay line based on cascaded Mach-Zehnder,” in IEEE 2018 Photonic in Switching and computing, IEEE, Limassol, Cyprus (2018) [].
D. Melati and A. Melloni, “On-chip continuously tunable optical delay line based on cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers,” in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, p. M3I.5, Optical Society of America (2018) [].
D. Melati et al., “Genetic algorithm and polynomial chaos modelling for performance optimization of photonic circuits under manufacturing variability,” in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, p. M3I.4, Optical Society of America (2018) [].
A. Waqas et al., “Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of photonic device from experimental data through polynomial chaos expansion,” in Proc.SPIE 10535, pp. 10535-10535–10536 (2018) [].
A. Waqas et al., “A polynomial-chaos-expansion-based building block approach for stochastic analysis of photonic circuits,” in Proc. SPIE 10526, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXVI 10526, pp. 10526-10526–10528 (2018) [].
D. Melati and A. Melloni, “Integrated All-Optical MIMO Deumtiplexer for 8-Channel MDM-WDM Transmission,” in 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), pp. 1–4 (2017) [].
M. Milanizadeh et al., “Tuning and locking of integrated optical filters and circuits,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD, pp. 177–178 (2017) [].
A. Waqas, D. Melati, and A. Melloni, “Stochastic simulation and sensitivity analysis of photonic circuit through Morris and Sobol method,” in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, p. Th2A.3, Optical Society of America (2017) [].
D. Melati, A. Alippi, and A. Melloni, “Integrated Indium-Phosphide-Based Mode Multiplexer and Demultiplexer for Reconfigurable Mode Division Multiplexing Transmission,” in Advanced Photonics 2016 (IPR, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), p. NeW1C.4, Optical Society of America, Vancouver (2016) [].
D. Melati et al., “Generalized polynomial chaos expansion for photonic circuits optimization,” presented at 2016 21st OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2016 - Held Jointly with 2016 International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS 2016, July 2016.
D. Melati et al., “Stochastic Optimization of Photonic Circuits by Combined Generalized Polynomial Chaos Model,” in Advanced Photonics 2016 (IPR, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), p. JTu4A.9, Optical Society of America, Vancouver (2016) [].
A. Waqas et al., “An improved model to predict thermo-optic coefficient in InGaAsP waveguides,” in 2016 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), pp. 1–4 (2016) [].
D. Melati et al., “Integrated 8-Channel Mode and Wavelength Demultiplexer for MDM and WDM Transmission over Few-Mode Fibers,” in ECOC 2016; 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, pp. 1–3 (2016).
D. Melati, A. Alippi, and A. Melloni, “Integrated Spatial Division (De)Multiplexer for Few-Mode Fiber transmission,” in Fotonica AEIT 2016, Convegno Italiano delle Tecnologie Fotoniche, Institution of Engineering and Technology, Rome (2016) [].
A. Melloni et al., “Control, configuration and stabilization of photonic integrated circuits,” in 2016 21st OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2016 - Held Jointly with 2016 International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS 2016 (2016).

Conference abstracts

Y. Yang et al., “Quasi-phase-matched dispersive wave generation in S i3N4 waveguide,” presented at European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), 2023.
Z. Mokeddem et al., “Efficient polarization beam splitter in the silicon nitride platform for the optical O-band,” in 2023 Photonics North (PN) (2023).
P. Nuño Ruano et al., “Modelling and computation of optomechanical coupling in subwavelength-structured silicon waveguides,” presented at 29th International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, 2023, Marseille.
Z. Mokeddem et al., “Polarization beam splitter in the silicon nitride platform for the 1 μm wavelength band,” presented at 24th European Conference on Integrated Optics, 2023.
Y. Liu et al., “Broadband optical beam steering over a wide field of view with a silicon quadratic metalens,” presented at 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), May 2022, Milano.
J. Zhang et al., “Generation of high-frequency phonons in silicon optomechanical crystal,” presented at 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), May 2022, Milano.
P. Nuño-Ruano et al., “Optimization of Brillouin Gain in Subwavelength Silicon Membrane Waveguides using a Genetic Algorithm,” presented at 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), May 2022, Milano.
Z. Mokeddem et al., “Deep-learning algorithms for resilience to fabrication imperfections  in integrated Fourier-transform spectrometers,” presented at 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), May 2022, Milano.
T. T. D. Dinh et al., “Mid-infrared Fourier-transform spectrometer based on suspended silicon metamaterial waveguides,” presented at 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), May 2022, Milano.
D. Melati et al., “Metamaterial-engineered silicon devices fabricated with deep UV immersion lithography,” presented at 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), May 2022, Milano.
P. Nuño-Ruano et al., “Genetic optimization of Brillouin gain in subwavelength-structured silicon membrane wavegudies,” presented at Congrès de la Société Française d’Optique, 2022, Nice.
A. Ortega-Moñux et al., “Diseño de antena óptica integrada de haz estrecho en tecnología silicon-on-insulator,” presented at XII Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica, OPTOEL, July 2021.
M. Al-Digeil et al., “Data-Efficient Training of Autoencoders for Mildly Non-Linear Problems,” presented at The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021), 7 May 2021.
C. Lafforgue et al., “Generation de supercontinuum dans des guides d’onde en nitrure de silicium,” presented at Optique Dijon 2021, 2021, 2.
D. Melati et al., “Dimensionality reduction for the design of high-performance subwavelength vertical grating couplers,” in Photonics Online Meetup (2020).
J. H. Schmid et al., “Subwavelength silicon nanophotonics,” in Photonics North Conference 2019, Quebec City (2019).
M. Kamandar Dezfouli et al., “Machine learning guided design and optimization in integrated photonics,” in Photonics North Conference 2019, Quebec City (2019).
Z. Mushtaq et al., “Modelling of thermo-optic coefficient of InP, GaAs and InGaAsP based compounds,” in IT4D 2018: International Conference on Network Security, Communication Engineering and E-Learning for Development, p. 7, Kathmandu (2018).
A. Waqas, D. Melati, and A. Melloni, “Polynomial chaos based stochastic augmented building block for process design kits,” in 26th International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Bad Sassendorf (2018).
Y. Grinberg et al., “Machine learning techniques for the design of nanophotonic components,” in 20th Photonics North Conference, p. 2, Montreal (2018).
A. Waqas, D. Melati, and A. Melloni, “Analysis of the sensitivity of Mach-Zehnder interferometer filter to fabrication tolerances through elementary effect test,” in 19th European Conference on Integrated Optics, p. MP1.11 (2017).
K. Rylander et al., “Design of integrated, tuneable filters for telecom application,” in 18th European Conference on Integrated Optics, p. P44 (2016).
A. Alippi et al., “Photonic integrated circuits’ packaging issues: a multi-physical analysis,” in Fotonica AEIT 2016, Convegno Italiano delle Tecnologie Fotoniche, Rome (2016).
D. Melati and A. Melloni, “PICs4All project: ease the access to generic foundry technologies for photonic circuits,” in Fotonica AEIT 2016, Convegno Italiano delle Tecnologie Fotoniche, Rome (2016).
A. Melloni et al., “Toward building-block-based approach for generic integration photonic technologies,” in Photonics West Conference (2015).
D. Melati et al., “Statistical techniques for the analysis of Photonic Integrated Circuits,” in Fotonica AEIT 2014, Convegno Italiano delle Tecnologie Fotoniche, Napoli (2014).
D. Melati et al., “Scattering-related crosstalk in photonic waveguides,” in 17th European Conference on Integrated Optics, p. Tu 3b R2, Nice (2014).
D. Melati, F. Morichetti, and A. Melloni, “Scattering in optical waveguides: a comprehensive model for radiative losses and backreflections,” in 22nd International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, p. O-4.1, Nice (2014).
D. Melati et al., “Optical radiative cross-talk in photonic integrated circuits,” presented at 18th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, 2013.
D. Melati et al., “Novel pure-optical test-on-wafer technique based on a Point Reflector Optical Waveguide,” in 18th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter (2013).
G. R. Broeke, D. Melati, and F. Morichetti, “Design and Performance of a Packaged InP Wavelength Meter,” in 18th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter (2013).
D. Melati, F. Morichetti, and A. Melloni, “Modeling reflections induced by waveguide transitions,” in XX Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Sitges (2012).
D. Melati, F. Morichetti, and A. Melloni, “Modelling and circuit simulation of distributed reflections in integrated optical waveguides and circuits,” in 17th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter (2012).
D. Melati et al., “Photonics Integration: a generic building blocks approach for a generic foundry model,” in Fotonica 2011, XIII Convegno Nazionale delle Tecnologie Fotoniche (2011).